1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 部屋のデッドスペース活用でき..
2020-11-22 16:54


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Yamachan is still eating his pasta.
You were like... I saw you cooking your pasta.
Like you had a hamburger.
A hambagu, right?
You had a... I don't know how to say hambagu in English, but like a hambagu.
You just like dumped it in the saucepan.
And you just destroyed it in the saucepan.
That was like kind of shocking to me.
No, it was iced, you know, hikiniku.
Oh, it wasn't a hamburger.
No, no, no.
Wasn't it already colored? Brown?
Raw iced hikiniku that I bought like some days ago.
And in order to use for this dish, I tried to make it like kaito.
And I put it in a microwave.
And I put three ingredients as well.
And I think it was a little bit too much.
And you know.
Here we go again.
You with the microwave problem.
I think this was like the very first topic we did in the podcast.
You and your relationship with microwaves.
You're going too deep, you know?
You're going in way too far with the relationship with the microwave.
As usual, I did three minutes.
For the people who followed us in like the very beginning of the podcast.
I think you guys already know.
But for those who don't, Yama-chan has a problem with microwaves.
When he buys bento boxes from the supermarket.
And you know how it's all room temperature.
And you want to make it hot.
Everyone uses microwaves.
I do that too.
But the thing with Yama-chan is he microwaves it for like three minutes.
Almost three minutes.
Yeah, right.
Almost three minutes or something.
No matter what the size or the amount of what he's microwaving.
He always does it for like three minutes.
And what always ends up happening is the plastic carton, the plastic case.
The bento case.
It gets so hot that it starts to melt and changes its shape.
And when it's done microwaving, Yama-chan is always like,
"Oh my god, this is too fucking hot to eat."
He leaves it there.
It makes no sense.
He never learns.
Why not two minutes?
Why not a minute and a half with the perfect temperature?
And I guess that's what he did with the refrigerated hikiniku there.
Like at one point English there, it's not iced hikiniku.
It's more of a refrigerated hikiniku.
Or frozen hikiniku.
Right, frozen hikiniku.
Right, frozen hikiniku.
Today's one tip.
Today's one tip.
One point English.
We should get that in there on every episode as frequently, as constantly as possible.
Right, right.
So on the last episode, we talked about your new place.
You said you tried to start cooking.
Yeah, I did.
I really want you to see my kitchen.
I really want you to look at my kitchen.
You should see how much of the tsupari-go and how much of the ami-ami, the hyakkin ami-ami I placed in there.
All of my equipment are like hanged with the little S metal.
Everything is all hanged up.
I can imagine that it will be like completely equipped.
My kitchen space is completely utilized, 100%.
Yeah, that's great.
There's almost no dead space.
You really love using tsupari-go.
I do, I do.
It's the thing about the dead spaces in the room that always gets me, you know?
Like I can't live with the dead spaces.
You can't live with the dead spaces.
The tsupari-go is the savior, right?
Like your room is already too small, right?
And everybody wants to make their room feel bigger and have more spaces to relax and things of that nature, right?
Tsupari-go is always the solution for that.
Tsupari, use tsupari and your open space, perfect combination.
You can put so much stuff in there.
You cannot believe how much you can hang up.
How much storage room you can add on to your room with the tsupari-go.
Like if you were in this room...
Okay, what would I do?
Yeah, let me tell you.
First of all, this is like unacceptable, you know?
This is...
What? Is that tsupari-go?
Right, this is tsupari-go, but like it's right in the middle of your room.
It has to be against the wall.
You're not utilizing this side.
You're not utilizing...
I'm using this as a wall.
I wouldn't make...
This is a bedroom space kind of.
Ah, so you want to kind of like a...
Yeah, yeah, that's why I could place that.
Okay, now that's understandable.
So, we'll leave that.
With the mirror right here, you're standing up your mirror, right?
You're using your floor to stand up the mirror.
What do you mean?
What you can do is you can hang up the mirror to the wall.
To the wall?
To the wall.
Like you can hang that up, can't you?
I don't know.
That's a stand mirror.
Or what you can do is like close the legs and have it like lean against the wall.
There you go.
Now that sounds more the space, right?
The trash can.
That you don't have to put down on the floor.
You can put it up.
What do you mean?
You can have some sort of tsupari-go here.
Now you have some sort of a...
What do you call it?
I don't know.
Like a...
Like a little table that hangs up from the tsupari-go.
There's things.
In the tsupari-go, there's things that you can...
There's tables that you can hang down on, right?
So I should put my trash box like hanging up from the ceiling.
Hanging up from the ceiling.
Top of the room.
Well, you can dangle your little table all the way down to your comfortable height.
And that's possible.
All right.
And that right there, the...
What do you call those?
Cult hangers?
Cult hangers?
You don't have to have that.
You don't need that.
You actually literally do not need that.
I do need that.
That using so much space.
That's it.
You can buy one more of this and use an S hanger to hang those against the wall.
Now you have an open space there.
All right?
There you go.
And right there, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
That needs to go on the wall.
On the wall.
On the wall.
With tsupari-go with the S hanger.
And I have to hang that?
You have to hang that.
You have to hang that.
And if you hang that up, you have more space on the floor, which then is more easier to
vacuum the floor.
That makes more sense, doesn't it?
But, you know, most of your room is filled by, like, this piano, your mattress, and,
like, the working chair, which is not hangable.
So, you know, I would say, let's say, like, 70% is your stuff is okay.
Any 30% of improvement, that's all.
Thank you for advising.
For from any time.
Professional tsupari.
Any time.
Thank you.
But, you know, it's...
How can I use tsupari-bo, like...
It's really wide.
You're right.
So, if it's too wide, the tsupari-ing is going to be a little bit difficult.
So, this is a very good idea.
Use your floor and the ceiling to...
But not in this way, right?
This way is...
You're blocking the space here.
But, you know, you wanted a wall, so that makes sense.
I understand.
Like, you know, you can...
You see these doors here?
You can tsupari here.
This is a tsupari-available area.
This right here.
This is the...
I could do a tsupari here.
And for what?
For, like...
Like, the...
If you do that, you can open the door.
Yes, you can.
Oh, it opens this way.
I understand.
But there's still some room here.
Tsupari here, right?
This is where you get tsupari.
There's space between the doors, right?
All right.
It's useful when you're doing laundry and you want to put hangers up.
This is a tsupari-available area.
This is a tsupari-available area.
This is a tsupari-available area.
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This is a tsupari-available area.
This is a tsupari-available area.
This is a tsupari-available area.
Bye bye.

