1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 夕食を17時に食べるチャレン..
2022-03-17 13:35



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hello. Hello.
This program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todokeyou, Anchor!
We are using an app called Anchor to create and distribute this podcast.
Anchor has all the fea-
Oh, I missed that.
Anchor- Sorry.
Anchor has all the features you need to start your very own podcast.
It's free. You can download it off of...
Google Play?
No, that one.
Or the App Store? So check it out if you're interested!
And another big news!
What is that?
Starting from...
From 17th. You guys are listening on the 7th.
You guys are listening to this on the 17th because I'm going to upload it.
It's going to be published on the 17th and they're going to stamp it that way.
Okay, okay. I understand that.
From today, 17th, until 23rd,
If you go to Amazon.com...
No, Amazon.co.jp
The Amazon Japan website.
There's going to be a banner on top, you know?
Yeah, the uh...
For example, like...
Amazon Echo!
On sale!
Whatever brand on sale!
Taya TV Stick, Alexa Taya...
Yeah, that. Those things.
Kokusai Josei Day...
Amazon Music...
And one of them is going to be Amazon Music.
Or Amazon Podcast.
We are going to be on it!
Our faces will be on it!
On the very top...
Of Amazon.com.
The whole Amazon main top.
I know you're still questioning.
I'm still questioning too.
I'm still not confident whether I'm really going to be on it.
But we are told that we are going to be on it.
I'm excited to like...
Peek into Amazon.co.jp
Yeah, I would go.
Just go and visit the site.
And yeah...
And see if we're really on it.
Yeah, and take some screenshots.
And print it out.
Print it out.
And then rip it apart.
I don't know why I would do that.
But yeah, it's a huge deal.
Wow, really?
It's a big deal.
We're going to be on Amazon.com.
One of the most visited sites.
Yeah, that's true.
One of the most visited sites in Japan.
In the hit line.
Yes, we're going to be headlined on it.
Well, I guess like...
Almost every...
Every Japanese people would see our picture.
Embarrassing, right?
And I don't even know which picture they're going to use.
Yeah, which is that?
I would...
Can I choose the one?
I think we're already too late there.
Right now, we're recording this on the 14th.
And the content is ready.
Which one?
I have no idea.
I want to just shoot my angle.
Yeah, you got your angle, right?
I mean, I got my angle too, man.
But yeah, so the big news.
Big news.
So, you know, check it out, you know.
You just go and visit the site and you can easily see it.
And what happens when you tap that screen?
I have no idea.
I'm assuming that it's going to jump to Amazon Music.
Yeah, to the podcast.
Podcast section?
Yeah, I guess so.
Yeah, but I don't know what the words are going to be.
I don't know what the quality action is going to be or anything like that.
But we are told that our face is going to be on it.
Oh, wow.
What if our face is like...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And the UI is going to be there.
And we're like a little icon of thumbnail of the UI.
That would be so embarrassing, you know.
Spent like 30 minutes explaining this.
But that's amazing.
So, yep.
Just wanted to announce that to you guys.
I'm looking forward to see that.
Me too.
Look at that.
It's Fire TV Stick Alexa Taiyo.
You're looking at the banner, right?
Prime reading.
Yasu Iine.
Shin Seikatsu Seikatsu Oen.
And then, get everything through.
That doesn't make sense.
That makes no sense at all.
Like, that's so random.
Like, who the fuck are they, right?
It's amazing.
Let's see what happens.
Let's see what happens on the 17th.
So, it's from Richan today.
Is it?
Yeah, but it says Richan desu.
Okay, so that's Richan.
Got it. Richan.
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
One month?
That's impressive.
Thanks to me and you.
Because of us.
We get the credits.
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
Thank you.
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
Thank you.
I have two moments.
That I enjoy right now.
One is my morning coffee latte.
I told you I have an espresso machine at my house, right?
And I sometimes make myself a little latte.
I sometimes drink it with just a straight latte.
Or I put hazelnut syrup.
Or salted caramel.
I have two syrups right now.
So either one. Whichever one I'm feeling.
And the...
That morning time when I drink that latte
is very like...
Relaxing and very nice.
With the windows open.
Feels good.
Feels spring and having a relaxing time.
That's nice.
And the second moment that I enjoy
is when I'm getting ready to go to the gym.
It's like...
I'm always under this guilt of like...
Oh my god. I didn't go to the gym again.
Because recently I've been getting muffin tops.
I told you what a muffin top is, right?
That belly shit muffin top.
We should do this on one more challenge.
And I really wanted to get rid of this muffin top.
So I'm just always pushing myself to go to the gym.
Not eat late at night.
Be healthy and everything.
But not every day.
I can't go to the gym, right?
But that day when I am able to squeeze in that gym time.
I feel so like...
Relieved and so like...
Oh! Finally!
I'm taking care of my body.
And that moment when I'm changing is
when I feel that the most.
Those two moments.
Okay. So that's your favorite routine recently.
That's nice.
You're trying to lose your fat.
And you're drinking sweet latte at the same time.
That's really...
That's a good point.
I wouldn't consider latte a very
high calorie drink.
Well, that's...
If you consider it not,
that's not.
Yeah. It's not that bad.
Well, and especially you're drinking it in the morning, right?
Yeah. Exactly.
Recently what I'm doing
is I eat dinner at like 5pm.
Really? 5pm?
And not eat anything after.
Really? Yeah.
I don't really...
I don't get hungry that much.
Really? Yeah. Even if I eat at 5pm.
And you just
do some, you know, kind of work
or sometimes live streaming?
Yes. And then just
start to go to bed? Exactly.
And wake up like...
I don't know. Like 10 or 11.
10 or 11? So like...
When is your next
meal? Like
11? Wow.
Yeah. Like 6, 7, 8, 9,
10... Oh, I'm bad at
counting in English actually. Okay.
No, excuse me.
You know, it's really
hard to me. Oh, okay.
It makes sense. It makes sense.
Counting in English because it's not directly, you know, kind of
connected. I suck at months.
Oh. Like when I look at
4... What is it? April?
Yeah, it's April.
Or like vice versa.
8. I need to think.
Oh, yeah. It's 9. Oh, shit. It's 9.
See? There you go.
I'm not clearly connected yet.
Yeah. Yeah. That's... Yeah.
Anyway, so...
So if you...
The last time, the dinner would be
5, right? And you
don't eat nothing
until next
11, right? Yeah.
So almost like 12. Yeah.
Or 16, 17 hours, right?
That's good, right? Yeah.
I actually... Now I don't
do that, but like...
Half a year ago, I
did the, you know...
16 hours, you know.
Don't eat time.
I remember. Yeah. Yeah.
So I guess that's good for you, buddy.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It's like a detox kind of thing, right? Yeah.
You're feeling nice?
Nah. It didn't change
anything. I don't feel anything.
Okay. You're losing your fat, no?
No. No, I'm not.
You're simply hungry?
I'm not even hungry, actually.
I don't know why. That's interesting.
Well, I've done
this 2 days so far.
And probably the reason
why I'm not... Hold on, Yamcha.
Wait, hold on. Listen. Okay.
So, big one.
What I
did was I ate
a big
ass steak. Yeah.
And garlic rice. Okay.
And some
dessert. 5 o'clock.
5 o'clock. Okay.
Next day, I ate
ramen. Yeah.
A big ass ramen. Yeah.
And then a Starbucks Frappuccino.
That was deep too. Yeah.
That's simply you...
You ate a big... A lot.
You're not...
You are... You were full.
Yeah. Yeah. It's obvious.
Yeah. But I'm not hungry.
Okay. Yeah. But...
Better than eating that
8 pm, right?
Better than eating that 10 pm. Yeah. That's... If you eat
same thing. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm talking about if you eat
same thing. Yeah. That's true.
I guess that's true. Yes.
Yes. Yeah. So...
Okay. That's a good
habit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm planning on continuing this habit.
Okay. Okay. Cool. You're planning on it?
Yes. Yeah.
I didn't expect
that. It's just
being 2 days. 2 days in.
Yeah. Yeah. You thought it was like
2... Like a week or 2? Yeah.
At least like a month. Like a month or something. Yeah. But...
2 days.
Yeah. Nice. Okay.
Yeah. So, yep. That was
that's 13 minutes
now. Alright.
Let's talk about
yours next. Okay. Of course. Of course.
Thanks for listening guys!
Thank you!

